Matthias De Wolf


Matthias De Wolf (° 1973) , lives and works in Sijsele and Bruges @detank , became master

sculptor , in LUCA Brussel. Shortly after his study he developed prototypes for international

companies and artists. a world full of pursuit for ultimate beauty , he escape’s this flat line.

More than ever he makes sculpture groups, series, and installations. Different media and

great attention for working processes becomes his conquest.

Clay is key ( digital or earth) the fast sketches are expressive and without detail.

A fast explosieve way, his public witness, his traces, his human interaction.

Fast and sharp is important. The place, the furniture , the wigs, the clothing, the food, the plants

are real , materials of today. The complete installation gets scanned. Clay and objects become

one. And remain saved in a computer, installations in a computer get printed or projected.

The topics are different, a handful of titles, ‘Where am I ’, ‘A Monster’, ‘ Baboon Attack’, ‘

domestic paradise’ , ‘ all animals are equal’ , ‘ Head on Fire’, …. . And often made in series,

or unfinished story’s , a different live. The power of books and films in clay.
